The leather used in the design of NIKKI WILLIAMS handbags is specially chosen from the finest tanneries in Italy, Europe and Asia for it’s colour, texture, durability and beauty. We use a range of different leathers including Italian Nappa, Lambskin, Top-Grain Cow Hide and Suede. For the full story on how we source our leather, where it's from and who makes our bags visit our blog.

Nikki Williams Handbags

 Grain and slight differences of colour are characteristics of the leather and are unique to each bag. Most of leather used in the creation of NIKKI WILLIAMS handbags has been treated and are water and scratch resistant. However, we recommend you spray your new NIKKI WILLIAMS leather product with a quality leather protector. Please do not condition or moisturise metallic leather. Avoid getting moisture on any metal hard wear, including the zips, embellishments & buckles. Please note a handbag can change appearance over time. With normal use, a NIKKI WILLIAMS leather handbag can become slouchy and soft. Be aware that light colour leather marks easily, so extra care should be taken.


Coachella Leather Handbag

Should your handbag become wet, wipe gently dry with a soft cloth. For regular cleaning, a damp cloth and mild leather cream may be applied. Let water spills dry naturally. High-heat measures like using a hairdryer will only cause the skin to crinkle and change shape.

Our suede leather handbags should be treated with extra special care as delicate fabrics should only be cleaned by a specialist or by using specialist cleaning products.

Store your bag in its dustbag and fill it with tissue paper, (never newspaper which will smear) to maintain its shape. For information on how best to store your bag you can visit this page.

Designer Leather Handbags






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